Thursday 20 June 2013


My feuding country men
Disciples of divided tribes, Clans and dialects
Descendants of warring nations
Diminishing traditions emerging civilization
I refused to be dragged low to your base level
If so be it
Then let’s go tribal

Muzungu Arudi Ulaya
Mwafrika Apate Udongo
Fooling doctrine so enticing
The colonizing white
Be uprooted to Europe
The vanquished blacks
Land to acquire
What a lie
If so be it
Them let’s go tribal

When they are entrapped
Their clarion call
In the spirit of the nation
A just fight for all
Self their agenda
All their foolery
Brother hyena skin camouflage
Be exposed
If so be it
Then let’s go tribal

The home guards
Putrid behind the bar
The independent trumpet calling
How selfless the fooled
No freedom to the home guards
No Uhuru
The freedom fighters unchained
Homely a welcome it was
The national cake all to partake
Oh what a botched pledge
The gluttons
Vomiting upon our bare feet
Our paltry share lavishly upon
Like hungry hyenas descended
If so be it
Then let’s go tribal

Harambee.. hoye..
A nation in unison
A common vision discern
These common enemies
To the children of the freed

Poverty disease and illiteracy
In one accord
Of the enemy be unslaved
The new marasmus
Grabbing a preserve to Nyumba ya…OURS
A divisive seeds of discord saw
If so be it
Then let’s go tribal

The illegal legalised trade
KARAFU be it
With the nations resources
Disclaimer a hare of trickery
If caught
Then be on your own
Police escorts by night
Thieves on the very soul of our land
Depots door flanked opened
To all and sundry

Money changing hands
In the day light a tune
A different song by night
You sang
If so be it
Then let’s go tribal

The leadership be preserve
The river not to cross
The fish mongers the sworn enemy
Not invited
The national cake to partake
Theirs be ours and all
And ours be ours and none
The closing of regions
To self dedicated
If you dare
Then in their land to die
And exporting to others their excesses
Exploiters engineers of trade imbalance
On our very shoes yet to vomit
If so be it
Then let’s go tribal

The son of the land
Voice you fizzled out
Your disappearing
Extrajudicial cleansing
A new terminology concocted
The KISUMU 1969
6,000 plus massacre
Innocent souls stifled aborted
To your grave
Never accounted for
We charge and chain
Your spirit in your grave
To 10,000 years of torment and gnashing of teeth
Curse the your name amidst us
And the bearer of the same
For 10,000 years
Impunity a pain on our flesh
A way of life inculcated

We hope to expunge
If not
If so be it
Then let’s go tribal

A poem finally well told.

Poet DEJUOLS Ammbbaassaah

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