Saturday, 9 September 2017

NASA paybill number scam revealed!!


Kenyans of sane mind, let me tell you; stop assuming that the paybill that NASA provided for you to contribute to their campaigns is meant for that. Lets think critically, why should a Paybill have your "ID" no. as the account No.???....Is this not a form of registration??? (Only some service providers can use ID as your account no.)...This is the start of rigging!!!...Remember you vote using your ID's or Finger Prints. If your ID is fed into IEBC system (EVID kits) , then you have voted!...bear in mind that Chebukati is a lifetime ODM member & NASA came up with this strategy after meeting the chair....connect your dots & then tell me whether these Billionaires with the support of Cartels are that broke to need your 10bob!...they need your vote in advance!...They either use the vote or Mess the election, think about what can happen if a good number of Kenyans turn up to vote & find that they have already voted....IEBC should be watched with both eyes & Jubilee needs to wake up!..., They're not interested in doing campaigns, they know they don't have the numbers...the election is a process!...Baba knows that; "When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps". ~ Confucius

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