Friday, 7 March 2014

In a relationship,

1. Submission wins the day:
Submission doesn’t mean you become a slave. It’s doesn’t mean that you are a property. Submission means you understand your place in the relationship or marriage as a woman. Submission refers to an act or attitude of cooperation and support. It’s a voluntary act of sharing a burden, acting like a team player and being there for your man. 

2.Don’t have unrealistic expectation about your man.Your man probably will never be Brad Pitt – so get over it. He probably will never break any record be it in academics, career or otherwise – get over it. Know and understand your man’s strengths, weaknesses, limits, interests, passion, dreams, dislikes and expectations. Stop trying to transform him into something or someone he will never be. Be realistic – understand that he can’t fly you to a coastal destination every month, he can’t make love to you constantly for seven hours, he can’t be all tall, dark and handsome, he can’t have the biceps of a body builder. Be realistic with your man. He's just human; or you ship out. 

3. Be lovingly honest: It doesn’t matter how beautiful and attractive you are – that man will leave you if you keep nagging, being a know it all or trying to control him. Give your man a benefit of doubt. So, he messed up, he lied, he cheated, he forgot to bring home bread and milk, he forgot your anniversary – he’s human – get over it. Remember you can always have a mature conversation with your man without scolding, domineering, alternatively shape up or ship out. 

4. Respect your man: Nothing turns a man off like a disrespectful woman.Respect is a feeling of admiring someone or something that is good, valuable and important. You may not necessarily agree on everything with your man, but respect his decision. He may not necessarily turn out to be Prince Charming whom you dreamt about since you were 2 months old, but the fact that you voluntarily decided to be with him, the least you can do is respect him.

5. Encourage your man: nothing lifts up a man’s spirit, determination and resolve like an encouragement from his woman. If you want to see your true and real man, encourage him. Something boils up inside a man and stirs his spirit when his woman encourages him.

6. Keep your extended families at bay. Oh yes, they can be and are known to be toxic. Remember you got married to your man not his family neither is he and extended part of your family. In laws can be scornful; keep them out of your marriage or relationship. In the end if the day; they too have their own homes. 

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