Saturday, 7 May 2016

Things to Remember When Your Heart is Breaking


“Don’t cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won’t let you see the stars.”
― Violeta Parra

It’s a dull, subdued sensation, when your heart is breaking, like the muffled sound of a distant gunshot.  It doesn’t physically pierce your skin or tear you to pieces, but the sensation is physically present – the paralyzing discomfort of realizing that something you took for granted is leaving for good.

Although it’s hard to accept at first, this is actually a good sign, having a broken heart.  It means you have loved something, you have tried for something, and you have let life teach you.

Life will attempt to break you down sometimes; nothing and no one can completely protect you from this reality.  Remaining alone and hiding from the world won’t either, for endless, stagnant solitude will also break you with unhealthy nostalgia and yearning.

You have to stand back up and put yourself out there again.  Your heart is stronger than you realize.  I’ve been there and I’ve seen heartbreak through to the other side.  It takes time and patience.

Deep heartbreak is kind of like being lost in the woods – every direction leads to nowhere at first.  When you are standing in a forest of darkness, you cannot see any light that could ever lead you home.  But if you wait for the sun to rise again, and listen when someone assures you that they themselves have stood in that same dark place, and have since moved forward with their life, oftentimes this will bring the hope that’s needed.

It’s so hard to give you advice when you’ve got a broken heart, but some words can heal, and this is my attempt to give you hope.  You are stronger than you know!

Please remember…

  1. The genuine, loving emotion that breaks your heart is oftentimes the same emotion that will heal it, gradually, over time.
  2. The person you liked or loved in the past, who treated you like dirt repeatedly, has nothing intellectually or spiritually to offer you in the present moment, but more headaches and heartache.
  3. You can mull it over and obsess and obsess about how things turned out – what you did wrong or should have done differently – but there’s no point.  It will NOT change anything right now!
  4. Some chapters in our lives have to close without closure.  There’s no point in losing yourself by trying to hold on to what’s not meant to stay.
  5. Seven letters.  Two words.  One saying.  It can either cut you open to the core and leave you in horrific pain, or it can free your heart and soul and lift an incredible weight off your shoulders.  The saying is: It’s over!
  6. When you don’t get what you want, sometimes it’s necessary preparation, and other times it’s necessary protection.  But the time is never wasted.  It’s a step on your journey.  (Read The Road Less Traveled.)
  7. Someday you’re going look back on this time in your life as such an important time of grieving and growing.  You will see that you were in mourning and your heart was breaking, but your life was changing.
  8. Transitions in life are the perfect opportunity to let go of one situation to embrace something even better coming your way.
  9. One of the hardest lessons to learn: You cannot change other people.  Every interaction, rejection and heartbreaking lesson is an opportunity to change yourself only.
  10. Be determined to be positive.  Understand that the greater part of your misery or unhappiness from this point forward is determined not by your circumstances, but by your attitude.
  11. Life and God both have greater plans for you that don’t involve crying at night or believing that you’re broken.
  12. It’s always better to be alone than to be in bad company.  And when you do decide to give someone a chance, do so because you’re truly better off with this person.  Don’t do it just for the sake of not being alone.
  13. When someone rejects you it doesn’t mean you need to also reject yourself or think of yourself as less worthy.  It doesn’t mean that nobody will ever want you anymore.  Remember that there are billions of people in the world and only ONE person has rejected you.  And it only hurts so bad right now because, to you, that one person’s opinion represented the opinion of the whole world.  But that’s not the truth.
  14. Sometimes it takes a broken heart to shake you awake and help you see that you are worth so much more than you were settling for.  (Angel and I discuss this in more detail in the “Self-Love” chapter of 1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently.)
  15. When you lose someone or something, don’t think of it as a loss, but as a gift that lightens your load so you can better travel the path meant for you.
  16. Anything that hurts you today only makes you stronger in the end.
  17. When all is said and done, grief is the price you pay for love.  And it’s better to have loved, lost and learned, than to have never loved at all.
  18. A broken heart is just the growing pains necessary so that you can love more completely when the real thing comes along.


You are human and the human heart breaks sometimes.  Don’t fight it – fight through it!

Give yourself a chance to love again, to feel again, and to live again.

You are alive and here to risk your heart by putting it into something you believe in, as many times as it takes.  If you avoid taking this chance, one thing is certain, you will make it safely to the end, feeling empty and unfulfilled.

Don’t do that to yourself.

You deserve better.

Your turn…

In what ways have you struggled with heartbreak?  How have you coped?  Please leave a comment below and share your insights with us.

Also, if you haven’t done so already, be sure to sign-up for our free newsletter to receive new articles like this in your inbox each week.

Photo by: Sarah Tett

simple practices of couples who have managed to stick together

Most of us enter into relationships just wanting to get some temporary happiness and to have someone fill this lonely space in our lives. We do the bare minimum that’s needed to make this relationship work and when that stops being sufficient, when all the hopes and dreams we had attached to this relationship come crashing down, we are left confused.

We wonder for days what went wrong and why we couldn’t make it work. And we fail to realize how just a little extra effort and a little more persistence could have stopped this from ending badly.

Here are 4 simple practices of couples who have managed to stick together till the end. We hope you can incorporate them into your love lives and make them work out better.

  1. They work on resolving problems

Every couple has fights. You get mad about something. You try to keep it to yourself for a while, waiting for the other person to read your mind and ask you if something’s wrong. And when they’re not able to do that, when they’re not able to be the mind-readers we expect them to be, then you finally decide to unleash your anger. You say horrible things that you don’t even mean and end up doing things that you’ll regret later. And when the storm passes, when you finally calm down, you guys don’t really discuss the root cause of the problem. You already feel guilty about your unfair reaction so you end up keeping the actual problem tucked away in your heart and you let it go with a few simple hugs and a sorry.

Do you see what’s wrong with this situation? You never really discussed what was wrong in the first place. You never had a mature discussion about how to resolve it. And when this happens, the problem is bound to come up again. It is bound to cause another fight and maybe the next time it comes up in this same manner, it won’t just go away with a ‘sorry’. It might just end up being the cause of your final break up.

Couples that last are mature enough to acknowledge their problems. They give their problems the proper time and attention. And they work together on resolving them. 

  1. communicate without hesitation

One of the most important qualities of couples who make their relationship work is open and honest communication. When your partner is talking to you, don’t just maintain a superficial reaction to everything they’re saying. Don’t just nod and listen to what they’re trying to tell you but try to understand it as well. Maintain eye contact when they’re talking to you and don’t disrespect them by constantly fidgeting or checking your phone. And when it’s your turn to talk, don’t limit your conversations to what your favorite movie is or the last time you went to a party.

Talk about your personal views, talk about your emotions, talk about the things that keep you up at night and let them do the same. Give them a tour of the deepest and darkest corners of your mind and heart, and you will see them doing the same. This will not only build your trust in each other, it will also create a much stronger bond between you two.

  1. They create a special moment together every day

When you’ve spent a few months together, when the initial excitement of a relationship is over, and when you’ve realized that this person is now a constant part of your life, you forget to do the things that made you two happy. You stop trying to make each other feel special. And you even forget to share a joke together. Don’t let your relationship fall into this trap of monotony and stagnation. Every day that you’re together, try to do something different, try to make your partner smile and try to keep the excitement alive.

This can be as simple as telling them how beautiful they look today or getting them a bar of their favorite chocolate if they’re not feeling so well. You’ll realize how small gestures like this can go a long way in making your relationship successful.

  1. They reiterate their commitment to each other

If you’ve been with someone long enough (let’s say one or two years), then that is an achievement in itself for you. And you couldn’t have done this alone. You weren’t the only one who was working on this relationship. You were both equally committed to the relationship and couples that last know how to appreciate and value each other for this effort and commitment.

Let your partner know every day how much they mean to you, let them know about all their qualities that make you love them even more and thank them for sticking by you through all the good and the bad times.

Talk to me

Do you agree with these healthy habits? Do you have anything to add to this list of happy habits? Let me know in the comments below!

If you man does these, he really loves you

Being in love is the most beautiful thing in life. However, you might feel a bit stressed at times. One question which keeps on hitting your mind again and again is whether he sincerely loves you or not?

Slowly and gradually, you start to love unconditionally. You also start to love without any expectations. But one thing which always scares you is to love someone who does not show any feelings towards you. You are always worried about being hurt. This is even more intense when you love somebody for the very first time. It gets a little hard for you, those uncertain feelings about that guy irritate you, those perplex moments you go through in the start.

It is a well-known fact that women cannot hide their emotions. Therefore, it is much easier to guess if a woman loves you or not, just by the way she loves you back.

Conversely, men can conceal their feelings much better. They are taught from the very beginning to never let their feelings become their weak point. Just because of this, it is harder for men to accept the passion they carry for someone.

It is even harder for men to express what they feel deep inside. Rather, they keep it hidden and never say what they really feel. Women find it really annoying.

Ladies! Never ever think he doesn’t love you just because he has never told you the truth. Men find it hard to express their sentiments.

However, we can help you to guess if he really loves you or not by these following signs!

  1. He always texts you “Good Morning”!

You can easily know if he loves you or not if the first thought in the morning is about you.

Love is a kind of heavenly passion that can be enormously pleasing and blissful. When you believe that he really thinks about you the first thing in the morning, it is a sign that he is really into you. It is true that most boys are not very good at expressing their feelings. But some try their best to show their love by sending you “good morning” wishes.

It’s hard to control your emotions when you are in love. However, even the strongest man would fail to conceal his sentiments and would say that he cannot live without you. 

  1. He always checks out on you because he is curious to know what you are doing! 

It is human nature that most people are really egotistic. Women are a bit more caring and loving, unless they fall in love.

While in love, you start caring about that special one as much as you do about yourself. Guys do some really funny things while checking up on their girlfriends. Some pretend they really don’t care as much as they do inside. However, if he is continuously checking on you several times a week and that too for no genuine reason, that’s the point when you know he is all yours! And I don’t mean checking up on you in a clingy and invasive manner.

  1. He can really do anything to solve your problems!

Ladies are usually irritated by their husbands being lazy and not helping them with their work. It is because men change with time. Once, the same man did everything to make her life better. He could even put himself at risk just to solve her issues. He was always there to pick her up regardless of how far he was. He always helped her choose what to buy and let her buy as much as she liked. You are lucky if your guy does the same for you. Now, it is up to you to let him be the same way even after you get married.

  1. His face glows with happiness as he sees you!

Love is a feeling of bliss and delight. Love is when you cherish beautiful memories and plan a cheerful future ahead. You smile all the time while in love.

He is definitely in love with you – if his eyes sparkle the moment he sees your face. He would give all of his attention to you when you are around.

  1. He is interested to know how you spent your day and listens attentively!

Love is when you care about that special person so much that you even want to know what she eats and when she sleeps.

He truly loves you when he wants to know every little detail about your day like what you did, where you went, what you bought, the stories of your success etc. He wants to be with you forever. Even if he did not spend the day with you, he wants to be in it just by listening about it. 

  1. your opinion! 

He always asks about your opinion and choices. He respects your opinion in every matter. He likes to know your views about world and relationships.

It’s easy to know he loves you when he asks about your choice in every matter and lets you take decisions. It’s a way of planning a future ahead, as well. He likes to see the world through your eyes.

  1. He gives you the best side of the bed and pillow.

He loves you if he is willing to give you the side of the bed he likes. He is all yours if he gives you the best in everything – the last piece of the cake, the bigger bite of sandwich, seat with the best view in the cinema etc. He really loves you and thinks of you as his better half as he really believes that you are his better half.

Since childhood, we learn the worth of sharing. But it is not just sharing. It is giving all of the best to you. It makes him happy to give you the best. He feels like giving you the best is same like if he is having the best too.

  1. He is always there to help. 

Some men are afraid to offer help as most ladies refuse accepting help from men as they feel they don’t need any man to help them and are independent. However, if your man is happy to help you clean the dishes after dinner or take you shopping, trust me, he is really the one who loves you!

  1. He likes asking you for help. 

I find it really sexy when guys ask their girlfriends for help. Like, men asking women to help them reach destinations by checking directions on their phone while driving. He might ask your help to put up that new entertainment system in the room. He asks you for help even when you don’t offer any help.

  1. He remembers the important dates!

He really likes you when he has planned every important date in the calendar whether it’s your birthday, some holiday or anniversary. He plans your birthday just the way you like it. He invites your family and friends to your favorite spot and even gifts you the dress you liked two months ago. 

  1. Buys you gifts for no reason. 

Chocolates, flowers, candles – all those little pieces of affection. He tries his best to win your love by giving you little gifts for no specific reason. Cheaper gifts coated with love are his way to show he really cares about you.

  1. He likes planning future ahead!

Most of the men you dated previously in life disliked talking about future. Men avoid discussing about the future. But this man likes to plan a future together with you and discusses how you want it to be. This can be one of the most important things here that you need to look out for in your guy. If your guy plans things for the future ‘together’, he’s the one for you.

If you guys are talking about your future and he mentions the words ‘with you’ or ‘us’ or ‘together’ while talking about his future, it’s done… you don’t need anything else to be sure, the guy is yours already!

  1. He likes the things you like. 

He buys tickets and likes going to the local concert of your favorite band just because you like that band. He likes watching your favorite shows with you just because he wants to spend more time with you. Even though you don’t ask him to like things that you like – he does it for his own happiness.

When he picks out the movies that you like, even when he doesn’t watch that genre, I mean, mostly guys aren’t really into those romantic movies but still, your guy agrees to watch it with you, or someday he, himself, brings the DVD and wants to watch it with you… these are those little moments that define true love.

  1. He really loves to spend time with you…NOT just to get in your pants!

You guys are too hot for each other in bed, but when it comes to talking and communicating, you both are JUST as good as it can get. Most of the time, guys say those emotional things to girls and those ‘3 magical words’, just to get in bed with that girl. But that is not the case with your guy. Yes, obviously, he loves you sexually but that’s not the only thing that matters to him.

You both have those cute moments together, you both have those inside jokes about stuff as well and the list goes on. It’s not only about sex, your guy won’t just show up at night, have fun time in the bed, and leave.

  1. He praises you with pure heart. 

If he did not notice your nail paint change from matte red to bright red, he might praise a new shirt you bought. He compliments your new hair color. The best thing is that he actually notices you and praises you. You don’t have to give him any clues. 

  1. He values your views about everything. 

According to the latest study on complementarity in relationships, even if two people are on totally opposite poles of the political spectrum, they might still live happy together forever. You should not always care about what you like. It also depends on how firmly you accept your partner’s views and opinions.

For example, if you are a true feminist and your man carries some old fashioned views about women, he would at least listen to what your feelings are and would respect them when you talk about topics like ‘a woman’s position in the workplace’. Don’t let go of such man!

  1. He defends you and your relationship.

He truly loves you when he protects you when somebody tries to bully you. He defends you when someone criticizes you for no reason or tries to hurt you. It is a well-known fact proven in literature that men who care about someone would even risk their own lives to protect the one they love. People in normal relationships show their love by bonding together against external attacks.

Researcher David Frost from San Francisco State, in a study about bisexual individuals like gay and lesbian in intimate relationships, observed that many who felt ashamed because of their relationships took strength from one another and felt more strong and confident when united.

  1. He gives you that warm and safe feeling.

He strolls on the outside of the walkway, in light of the fact that if a vehicle were to diverge accidentally, he would be the one who gets hit rather than you. He nourishes you. He is very protective when it comes to you. He is dependably there whenever you feel down or have a flu or any other sickness.

At the point when a man is more careful for you than his own self, he really loves you. He may not be a warrior or a fighter, but when he sees you in risk, he can turn into one for you. He can pretty easily transform from that cute teddy to a furious beast in no time, just to protect you and be there for you.

Talk to me

Does your man have these qualities? How does he make you feel? Let me know in the comments below!